The Temporary Works Forum Australia (TWf AU) aims to encourage open discussion and the sharing of skills, knowledge, experience and information with like-minded professionals that are associated with temporary works. This community has been established to provide a platform that intends to bring together resources available in Australia and internationally (TWf UK/TWf NZ)

Temporary works are an essential part of all construction projects ranging from simple low risk tasks to complex, high-risk tasks, but for any temporary works, whether low or high risk, failures are often significant events so appropriate design, execution and maintenance are required to ensure the safety of everyone working on site and the wider public surrounding it. 
The primary objectives of this Community of Practice (CoP) are:

  • Provide a platform that contains guidance and resources related to temporary works to the industry
  • Provide a platform to discuss different views and trends in the construction industry
  • Spread the word of good practice in the industry
  • Consider aspects of permanent works and interfaces between permanent works and temporary works as are relevant
  • Be aware of trends and innovations in design, construction and use.

The TWf AU is in its infancy, and like all communities, it is in need of members and individuals who are keen to contribute to this initiative. This platform is open to all participants that would like to join, whether they work for clients, contractors, consultants, proprietary equipment suppliers, specialists, industry bodies, academia or others.

We invite you to help drive the success of this community.

Email the Temporary Works Forum Australia committee via our Contact Us page.

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