Hey Hannah,
It is exciting to see discussions around circular economy getting more mainstream. Circularity has the potential to make significant inroads towards reducing the carbon inputs and increasing the resiliency of economies. Many countries struggle with achieving high recovery rates for recyclables such as glass and metal, which has several key contributing factors. The fundamentals of the circular economy model also rely on some similar essential economic components. Concepts of 'design for disassembly' and transforming the output of one entity's processes to be 'market ready' for the input of another is critical to jump starting circularity in markets. The economic framework, national incentives, and engineering mindsets need to mature further to incentivize the development of the needed market services and entrepreneurial opportunities to achieve this critical initial momentum. Denmark has done a lot of work pertaining to circularity. Appreciating the different characteristics both geographically and economically of Denmark, they are certainly presenting to the greater world the critical importance of national leadership and national incentives to move from the concept stage of circular economies towards actually 'self-sustaining' circular economies.
Circularity is a long and challenging journey, and it starts with a first step. Engineers Australia's promotion and discussion of this critical topic, to support the evolution of carbon reduction at the national and global scale through realization of sustainable circular economies is to be commended.
Kind regards,
Justin Waples
Original Message:
Sent: 29-11-2023 02:31 PM
From: Hannah Watkinson
Subject: Circular Economy
Today at #CSE23 the discussion around circular economy is in full motion, we heard from Lisa McLean who said,
"We won't get to net zero unless we embrace a circular economy. Material consumption in Australia has more than doubled over the past 40 years. Australia has the 4th lowest rate of material productivity in the OECD."
And John Thwaites
"We need: economics and investment, strategy, leadership and facilitation, a national framework, research and data driven evidence and regulation to embed circular economy practice"
What do you think about the circular economy and sustainable engineering?

Hannah Watkinson